christmas island
Visually spectacular backdrops, super friendly wildlife and dreamy island light makes
Christmas Island an ideal canvas for every photographer
It’s hard to imagine a more visually tantalising place to photograph than Christmas Island. All around you are sights, colours, textures and landscapes you’ll want to capture. bring nature to life through your lens. From soft, pastel sunrises to glorious sunsets, Christmas Island is bathed in ever-changing tropical light. Vivid colour is everywhere, from the crabs’ rich reds to the rainforest’s deep greens, to turquoise waters. Catch the robber crabs on film, zoom in on gentle orchids and twisting vines, and train your lens skywards to capture the elegance of rare birds in flight.
Underwater photographers have a kaleidoscope of colours and life to capture. On land the imposing, inspiring and detailed architecture of temples and other built form keeps shutters clicking.
Video cameras capture the sights and sounds of millions of scurrying red crabs, or the hauntingly musical call of the island’s thrush, and the stirring call to prayer from the mosque. Christmas Island is a photographer’s dream.

Martin Point – for staggeringly beautiful sunsets and seabirds.
Blowholes – capture the energy of the water on a rugged coastline.
Dolly Beach – impressively large robber crabs plus turtle tracks.
Hughes Dale Waterfall – an iconic island place for unique captures.
Blowholes Road – get creative with a special tree along the road.
Greta Beach – nesting turtles all year round make wonderful pictures.
Island temples – rich colours fused with wisps of incense smoke.
Tai Jin House – capture the detail of this building and its gardens.
Flying Fish Cove – for underwater photography.

photography TOURS